Ready-to-use home kit

Ready-to-use home kit
Ready-to-use home kit oxygen absorber
Ready-to-use home kit oxygen svavenger
Dimensions: 3 x 40 x 50 cm
Capacity: 12 liters
Quantity: 3 pcs
Product feature: Preserving the freshness of products, preventing mold and bacteria growth
Application: Food and pharmaceuticals
Made of: Plastic

Ready-to-use home kit oxygen absorber is an excellent solution for preserving freshness and extending the shelf life of food at home. These packs are designed to be small and easy to use, absorbing the oxygen within the packaging to prevent the growth of microorganisms such as mold and bacteria, thereby maintaining food quality and preventing spoilage.

Applications of Ready-to-use Home Kit Oxygen Absorber

Dry Foods: Ideal for storing nuts, grains, coffee, tea, and spices.
Oxidation-sensitive Items: Protects medications, supplements, and even some electronic components that are vulnerable to oxygen damage.

How to Use the Ready-to-use Home Kit Oxygen Absorber

Inspection and Preparation: Before placing the pack in the package, ensure that the food items are fresh and free from any signs of spoilage or mold. Additionally, the items must be completely dry to prevent moisture from diminishing the effectiveness of the absorber.
Choosing the Right Packaging: It is advisable to use gas-resistant packaging such as moisture barrier bags, tightly capped jars, or vacuum-sealed bags.
Placement of the Pack: Position the oxygen absorber pack at the top of the contents inside the package to maximize contact with the available air volume.
Sealing: Carefully seal the package to prevent air entry. Ensuring there are no leaks is crucial.
Inspection and Maintenance: Periodically check the packaged item to ensure there are no air leaks and the oxygen absorber is functioning properly.

Using a Ready-to-use home kit of oxygen absorbers helps you easily store food and other sensitive products at home without the need for chemicals or artificial additives. For advice on purchasing ready-to-use home kit oxygen absorber packs, feel free to get in touch with our specialists. Additionally, you can fill out the form below, and we will contact you. Please follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for product updates.

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